7 reviews by Proper Grammar..
Captain Planet

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: Is that your idea of a joke, Drew? Your fellow Aussie native bites the big one and you honor his memory by talking like you've never heard of him? And you have the nerve to call me a prick! Steve Irwin was the REAL Captain Planet! No queer theme song needed.

Rating: n/a

Captain Planet

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: Very well. I suppose that we'll have to chalk that up to a point for Drew. I know we've discussed this before, Cunning, but if you had half of the conviction that I have to clean up this site's "contributors'" egregious acts of abuse against the English language we really could make a difference. Perhaps you see it for the lost cause that it is.

Rating: n/a

Captain Planet

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: This isn't about insults, Drew. Finding out that you're Australian makes it all so clear to me now. I won't criticize your writing style any longer since it's just a part of who you are. You should know for future reference that words are spelled, not "spelt"... just one last nugget of grammatical wisdom to share with you.

Rating: n/a

Captain Planet

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: You'll hear about it today, bitch. Let's get some things straightened out first, though. I only try to help my fellow Master System fans use the written word to more effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings. After all, if their opinions about these games are so precious, shouldn't they care to take the time to type a paragraph or two of well-structured sentences containing correctly spelled and punctuated words so that they can provide insightful observations which are easy to understand? It's not entirely their fault, however, as for whatever reason this message board system does not allow indexing of paragraphs. One can really only provide a paragraph's worth of their invaluable wisdom before it becomes a rambling mess, typically causing people who speak in such a manner to be hated by those around them. Now, onto your little review. Oh, what's this? You've never played the game but you know the song?!! Wonderful! What song is that? Ah yes, the T-H-E-M-E song. I will say one thing... you found the apostrophe (') key! Congratulations!

Rating: n/a

Kings Quest

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: This is what I'm talking about, people. Either the Drew Meister can't see the apostrophe in the title or he can't find it on the fucking keyboard. It's King's Quest. K-I-N-G-'-S Q-U-E-S-T... KING'S QUEST!!!!

Rating: n/a

Wonder Boy

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: What the fuck. I'm going to have an aneurysm attempting to decipher your morbid jumble. It must be the ungodly tongue of the minions of Satan himself. Begone, fiend!!!

Rating: n/a

Wonder Boy in Monster Land

From: Proper Grammar
Comments: It's unlikely that it was a trick question, "Duh". Reading the many posts made here over the past few years has taught me that there are two kinds of SMS fans... those who can't read and those who can't type. The Drew Meiste(r) probably just got confused with all the w's and added one by mistake. It looks like you forgot a "t" in your own post so lighten up on old Peter. He and I are about the only ones frequenting this slum of a website who can form well-structured sentences. I've got your back, Pete! ;)

Rating: n/a